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Video and mobile go hand in hand. 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile. YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year. Since people like to watch videos on the go, and the number of smartphone users is growing, your video audience keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Photography is a documentation instrument, and I care about your story. Beautiful art without depth is empty, so I strive to give every photo/video a voice. I draw inspiration from intimate and private moments. Places where nobody is looking usually hide little magical glimpses. I work hard to catch them so that you can savor it later. 
Yes, just fill out the contact form, let me know your needs, and we will get back with you shortly.
We start having conversations that assist me in knowing your business, products, and ideal clients. We call this the strategy stage. Once this is complete we formulate a short and long term plan and put it into action. 
nola map

If you do not see it, ask for it.